PAWSitive Connections

RED DEER, Alberta
T4R 3K1

Welcome to PAWSitive Connections, a heart-centered business in Red Deer, Alberta. My name is Jennifer Dawson, my passion and mission is to enrich the lives of animals and the humans that care for them, and to help people connect more deeply with their animal loved ones. I am a Reiki Master Teacher of 9 years, a Certified Animal Reiki Practitioner and Professional Animal Communicator of 2 years. avid animal advocate and spiritual seeker. 

As humans we are making a conscious shift towards holistic healing, prevention, integration and balance in our own health and wellness. I believe we owe it to our pets and ourselves to give the same attention to our loving animal companions. I have had the honor to serve hundreds of animals and their guardians, and have witnessed the following incredible results:

Physical injuries healed

Improved behaviors

Less anxiety and stress

Pets getting along better 

Emotional healing achieved

Harmony created in homes

Animals understanding sheltering and fostering

Animals healed from abuse and trauma

Faster recovery following surgery

Greater perspectives gained by animals and humans

End of life care decisions made knowing the animals needs

Peaceful crossovers to Rainbow Bridge 

Peace gained with Animal in Spirit Sessions

Sharing Reiki with our animals can bring about great healing of their mind, body and spirit and can balance their intricate energy systems which regulate emotions, behaviors, health, and overall wellbeing.  Animals love Reiki as it is holistic in nature, gentle, pain free and stress free, and they can choose their own level of participation in the energy. Reiki is also a gentle support for senior pets and can help animals as they transition towards rainbow bridge.  Within the sacred space of Reiki, I believe anything is possible! 

Animal Communication can bring us clarity about how our animals feel, both psychically and emotionally; help us learn what they want and need, help us to understand their perspective; can help prepare them for upcoming changes, treatments or procedures, get answers to questions; help them cope with grief and loss, and can aid us when making end of life decisions and more.  Trust me this really works, and is a skill that can be learned by anyone!

  Please note that Animal Reiki, Animal Communication and Gemstone Healing are spiritual supports to your animal's well being and are NOT exclusive to veterinary care.  These modalities are meant to be integrated together to create a well-rounded health regime for your animal. 

In gratitude.  





Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing that can heal the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual levels of any living thing.  Reiki is believed to have originated in Japan in the 1800's but some believe that Reiki was forged in the mystical city of Atlantis along with Crystal Healing.  Reiki is practiced throughout the modern world today and is gaining credibility and momentum.

REI stands for spirit and KI stands for life force energy.  All living things are comprised of energy, chakra's (energy centers) and an aura that surrounds them.  Humans and animals alike have intricate chakra systems within them that regulate the bodies functioning and emotional wellness  When that energy is out of balance the result is often illness, pain or stress.  One could describe Reiki as energy medicine and it is an exceptional healing tool for your animal, for a variety of ailments and situations. Animals LOVE Reiki and they intuitively understand Reiki as a healing energy!


During a Reiki session with your animal, I will channel the universal life force energy and send this energy through the hands and the eyes to promote healing. I may place my hands on or just above the animal, and will use intuition to guide me through the session. As the Reiki energy flows through me to the animal, Reiki will begin to re-balance the KI and the energy centers, strengthening the animal’s natural healing systems and allowing the animal to facilitate his/her own healing response.  When animals healing systems are performing at an optimum level, the mind body and spirit can work in harmony.  

Most animals will relax during a Reiki treatment and allow the energy to flow; others show their gratitude by licking, tail wagging or purring; some animals will me show exactly where to place my hands by moving around during treatment; and others may refuse treatment.  As a Professional Animal Reiki Practitioner, I will always honor the animal’s request to receive or not receive Reiki.  Always have water on hand for your animal after a Reiki treatment!  


  • Your animal is suffering from arthritis or chronic pain

  • An animal is wounded, injured or ill

  • Reiki can aid the transition as your pet faces end of life by alleviating discomfort and providing a peaceful energy

  • Any senior pet or animal can receive on-going Reiki to increase their quality of life

  • Has a negative relationship with you the caretaker that you want to improve

  • Is relying on more medication than you are comfortable with

  • Exhibits fear, aggression, behavioral problems, separation anxiety and stress

  • Reiki can promote healing of past abuse and/or neglect, helping the animal to let love & trust in to their life

  • Reiki can aid in the transitioning an animal from a shelter or rescue to your home

  • Is facing an upcoming surgery

  • Recovering from a surgery

  • The animal is facing a stressful situation and is experiencing anxiety

  • Support an animal through being re-homed and starting over

  • Support an animal that is grieving the loss of a human, or an animal companion

  • Can facilitate a variety of other healing responses, the benefits are many



Animals communicate regularly through telepathy. It is the most basic form of communication, an ability we are all born with but we learn to rely on verbal communication and our telepathic skills are pushed aside. Like a muscle (unless used regularly) these skills become weak and inefficient; given the proper mindset and training, humans have the ability to communicate telepathically with all species!

Communicating with an animal is a two way process, there is a sender and a receiver. Now here is the amazing part....telepathy can be done in person or over distance! A great example of this is when you are thinking of someone and the phone rings, low and behold it is the very person you were just thinking about. Coincidence or Telepathy?! We have all had telepathic experiences, we just don't recognize them as such.

When I ask an animal a question, I receive from them pictures, innate knowings, feelings, words, thoughts and emotions. For example, if I were to ask a dog what part of his body was sore I may feel pain in an area of my body that corresponds to his, or he may also send me a picture of the area. Sometimes the animal will even show or tell me how the injury happened. I act as the translator and the voice for the animal and take all this information and put it into words for the person to understand.  

I am able to connect to your companion animal through energy and conscious intention; send/receive information and messages with your companion animal, believe me this is really possible and the results speak for themselves.

Learn what your animal is thinking, what they are feeling, what they need and who they really are inside. Hear your pets with an Animal Communication session today! 


Discover what your animal is thinking and feeling and what means most to them. Understand how your animal views their lives, their everyday likes, preferences and needs. Understand your relationship; the purpose of you coming together and how any past lives may be relevant to the present.


Communication can greatly assist animals who are rescued from abuse, neglect, abandonment, hording, or living on the streets. Help animals to understand sheltering and fostering and to identify what the animal wants for a new home and what type of human family (i.e.:  kids or no kids, are other animals OK or not).


How is your animal is doing; are they are happy with how things are going in the family and their life (i.e.) do they want different food, are they getting enough exercise, how are they adjusting to the new home or baby.  


Once the root cause to a behavior can be identified, we can negotiate changes and work towards a mutually agreeable solution to resolve the behavior and reach positive resolutions, while improving the relationship with your animal in the process Understanding if there are any emotional issues and/or energy blockages causing the behavior that need to be addressed or cleared.  


Understand animals views and experiences with illness and health problems, asking them what hurts and where, the pain level, preparing an animal for surgery or other medical interventions.  I can also gain energetic impressions of your animal's energy systems.  


Discuss upcoming changes with your animal such as moving, bringing a new person or animal into the home, someone is leaving; you are planning a vacation or your schedule at work will be changing.  Animals have a say and would like their voice heard on any changes that happening in the family.  


Animals are individuals who grieve like humans. When there is an anticipated or sudden loss in the family your animal needs to know, so they can grieve as they need and will understand why their person is grieving too. Grief and loss does not only include death, it can include being surrendered and being abandoned.


It is vital to know and be sensitive to what your animal feels about their own life and death process. If they are fighting to live, want to get well, and are willing to undergo helpful treatments, then that is how they should be supported.  However, it may be hard to know when to end treatment and let go or, to know if your animal is ready to begin their transition. With the help of your veterinarian's diagnosis, your own intuition, and a communication session with me, you will be able to understand your animal’s feelings and wishes for their end of life process.  Animal Communication is not a magic wand that can cure illness or make the loss of animal loved ones less painless, but it does hold great potential to make these times of challenge more intimate, meaningful, informed and sacred. 


Often people feel their animal is still around after they pass; people have experienced sounds, visions, physical sensations, smells and other synchronicity that indicate their animal is there with them in spirit. Animals usually communicate comforting, loving messages after they pass on; they give us good advice from their expanded perspective and they often feel they must continue to care for us. Being able to connect with your animal in spirit can greatly assist you in coping with the death of an animal loved one.  Perhaps you desire closure or maybe you didn't get to say goodbye, maybe you have questions on their passing and their life with you or if they plan to reincarnate to be with you again.

                                                                    Animal Reiki Sessions $50

Sessions are done in-home or via distance with the use of a picture. A documented evaluation is performed with your concerns addressed. All treatments include Chakra balancing and Aura cleansing with a Chakra crystal healing blanket utilized in the healing space; tips you can do at home to aid your pet with next steps and future recommendations are also included.  

Animal Communication Session $50

Sessions can be done in-home or via distance with the use of a picture. Resolve behavior problems, improve heath, deepen your bond and understanding, discuss household and family changes,  prepare for end of life decision making or connect with a departed animal loved one in spirit.  

Combo Session $80

A combination session of Reiki and Communication can be done in-home or via distance with the use of a picture.  This session can be more effective because I am  able to talk to your pet and figure out from their perspective what is going on; I can use specific Reiki symbols or intentions to support them as much as possible.  I can also pin point root causes, levels and area of pain and ask what we can do to help them


Crystal Consultation $30

Crystals and Gemstones harness amazing healing potential for animals and animals are open to receive it as they intuitively understand the Mineral Kingdoms energies. We will discuss your pet's health history, behavior and household dynamics; from there I can determine what crystals you could use and teach you how to use them!


Lost Pet Session $50

Although I cannot guarantee the return of your pet, I can provide you with clues and insights as to what they have seen to set up a search radius or area.  I can also tell you if they know how to get home and what made them leave in the first place, and if they are under care of another human and wish to return to you.   

Pet Loss Support Session $35

Pet loss is a real and significant loss that can take time to work through. Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) we can heal the emotions associated with pet loss.  One or multiple sessions may be required depending on your level of grief to get through the full series. If you are struggling with pet loss I am here to help.